Spouse KITAS (Onshore)

Couple of travelers at Handara Gate in Bali - Indonesia - Two tourists exploring Bali landmarks


What is Spouse/Family KITAS?

Spouse/Family KITAS is the KITAS for foreign citizens who are married with Indonesian citizens, have a wife/husband/ father/mother who has a KITAS. 

This KITAS is valid for 1 year and extendable. Spouse/Family Onshore KITAS is usually given to B211A VISA holders.

Detail Information
  • Passport (Still valid for 18 months and have at least 2 empty pages)
  • Personal Colour Photo
  • Identity Information (Adress, Phone Number, Activity)
  • Scanning Last Stamp of current VISA 
  • Sponsor Document
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate
  • Your requirement document will be processed by our staff to Immigration
  • We will process the status transfer from the B211A visa holder to the Kitas holder 
  • Immigration will notify us when they require you to come to Immigration for doing photograph and fingerprints.
  • After all process is complete, our staff will pick up your passport  at the immigration
  • You can pick up your passport at our office  and doing the payment

Spouse/Family KITAS is extendable, please doing extend process minimum 1 month before your Kitas Expired

Spouse KITAS (Onshore)


IDR 16.000.000

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